Create your wholesale online store, and sell a lot more products

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Our mission

To create a B2B network where entrepreneurs thrive and build long-term relationships
To make available for SMBs what large businesses already have
Empower wholesale with the best digital tools
Improve the quality of your sales
Increase the loyalty of your customers


We are sure that the transition to digitalization is very simple!

Our product

Voita B2B is a cloud web-service developed by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs.

The idea is for small businesses to have a reliable and simple solution to transparently manage their B2B processes.

You control everything from creating a product catalog and adding partners to automatic inventory in your and your customer's environment after an order is completed.

We have created a solution so simple and clear that you do not need to study it for a long time. And you don't need IT specialists.

The main goal of the project is to automate, speed up and simplify wholesales, and enable your customers to create and track their orders on their own.

Our product offers opportunities
In a few hours, get a ready-made tool for wholesale sales on the Internet (like in online stores), set up catalogs, products, and several prices.
Bring your existing B2B buyers online. Create your network of partners (like friendship in social networks) and add new customers.
Manage partnerships, configure type of prices to every B2B buyer and get transparent analytics, it is even easier than in CRM systems.
Customers - to view your products and order products on their own at any time convenient for them 24/7.
Managers - reduce manual work several times, know about the needs of customers even before they receive an order form them and spend less time on sales.
You can also manage expenses, inventory, product movements between warehouses, etc.
We listen to your opinion with great attention and add features that are really necessary for small businesses.
Our clients say
«We sell auto parts wholesale and retail. For a long time we have been processing wholesale orders manually. After launching an online store for wholesalers, the number of wholesale customers doubled in a few months. Thanks guys, and don't forget to keep us updated!»
Jesús Bagaría
(IT Section Manager)
«We are distributors of shoes and we also manufacture our own models. Thanks to VoitaPRO modules, we have automated the updating of products in Amazon. We also receive wholesale orders online from 60% of our customers (retail stores). Our wholesale customers are thrilled!»
Sandra Feijoo
(Head of Sales)
«Our company supplies beverages. Our main customers are restaurants and hotels. We didn't even realize that most of them would switch to online purchasing. It turned out to be much more efficient for both customers and our managers. Great work, thank you!»
Felipe García
(General Manager)

Why us?

According to research in 2022, already 100% of B2B buyers (in 2021 there were 87%) want to make purchases on their own using online services.

There is a huge gap between how B2B buyers want to buy and how vendors go to market.

The model of behavior of the modern generation of people managing business has changed.

What do your customers want?
Explore everything on their own and order online.
Get information about prices and delivery times as soon as possible.
They value their personal time very much.
They are intolerant of inconvenience.
They always want to have all the information at their fingertips.
We cannot ignore the needs of so many entrepreneurs and continue to work with them in the old ways.
Your B2B buyers are already online - do not miss this opportunity and be where your customers are!

About us

Hello, I'm Constantin!

Let's start with the fact that we are a startup team. In addition, Lana and me have been a family for almost 20 years.

In 2015, Lana worked as an accountant with a group of small businesses. These companies had a lot of b2b sales and often interacted with each other. Some of them had a CRM, but that didn't solve the automation problem.

The entrepreneurs spent a lot of time figuring out the price and availability of products. The order approval process took several days. Lana also had a lot of manual work, and sometimes she even had to work late to get everything done.
I didn't like it all very much.

By that time, I already had over 10 years of development experience in several corporate projects for large businesses. B2B solutions at that time were very complex and expensive. We needed a team of programmers to implement and maintain it.

Therefore, I suggested to Lana and her clients to develop a very simple web service for automating B2B orders.

After some time, we developed our own small web application, which made our work faster and easier. It was just what you need for small businesses that have limited resources and digitalization is far behind.

Communicating with other entrepreneurs, we saw that they also need a similar solution. Also, the COVID 2019 pandemic has increased the use of digital technologies. Nowadays, 60% of suppliers and 87% of SMEs customers want to use digital technologies, but it is too expensive or difficult for them to develop their own solution or use existing ones.

And we decided to get down to business. Moreover, the main emphasis in our project is not marketing, but the processes that business owners, purchasing and sales managers are engaged in.

And soon we will announce the launch of a beta version of a B2B service that will take partnerships between small businesses to a new level.


Constantin Voita - Founder, CEO, CTO

Lana Voita - Co-Founder, Business analyst

Daniel Pereira - Co-founder, Sales manager
Start benefiting as early as possible with the launch of a wholesale online store.